Dirty Thirty and Twenty Seven

Hey, hey all!  Did you have a good Monday?  Mine was so BORING at first.  We had a hospital orientation which meant 8 solid hours of briefings.  I’m not even kidding when I say we only got two 5 minute bathroom breaks plus lunch.  <face-palm>  Afterwards, was a pretty decent day though.  The roomie and I came back and I chilled around the kitchen while she bounced around singing and making chicken alfredo.  It was delicious but I couldn’t partake since I had to meet the runner’s group at 730.  Speaking of which, we had an awesome workout at a local high school’s track.  We started with a lap and then we did some warm up dynamic stretches combined with short bursts of body weight exercises.  Then we completed . . .

The Dirty Thirty

  • 1 Lap, 30 Burpees
  • 1 Lap, 30 Squats
  • 1 Lap, 30 Push Ups
  • 1 Lap, 30 Lunges
  • 1 Lap, 30 Butterfly Sit Ups
  • 1 Lap, 30 Squat Thrusters

I did a lot better this week than I did last week but I got dizzy towards the end. I managed 6 reps of the thrusters, threw in the towel and just ran my lap. I also only did 20 of the 30 push ups but I’m ok with that because I’ve been doing those everyday and I still did a total of 60 today (We did 10 in our warm up).  Afterwards, I came straight home so I could get a smoothie in mah belly!  I did another oatmeal cookie smoothie but this time I added peanut butter, spinach, protein powder, and glutamine.  I left out the cinnamon along with the almond and vanilla extracts too. 



oh, by the way, it’s my birthday today Party smile


My super awesome 27th birthday breakfast consists of a vanilla oat bake stuffed with cake batter cashew butter and with cream cheese frosting. There’s also a cup of coffee since I’m eating my “cake” at 530 AM.  And yes it was completely delicious!  I think every day should start this way   Rolling on the floor laughing  I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day and year has in store for me.

Hope ya’ll have a great day!

9 thoughts on “Dirty Thirty and Twenty Seven

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sylvia!!!!! So glad you got to start the day with cake. lol Oh, and I would’ve gotten dizzy too with all those burpees!

      • I’m hoping to have more time for cooking/baking when we get to Barksdale; DEF want to try the cake batter cashew butter (hopefully the extracts don’t mess w/my machine)!

        We’ve been doing Insanity workouts – lots of burpees & burpee-variants! Killer they are… 🙂

    • Thanks so much and a very Happy Birthday to you too then! 🙂

      That oat bake was delicious but I suggest a better frosting, my homemade one didn’t pan out so I used pillsbury (ick!) and it was waaaaaay too sweet. Ah well, the cake was still great!

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