Operation: Runners Group

Hey friends!  I hope you’re having a good week but if you’re not at least it’s already half over right?

So I have a confession to make.  I’ve started running again.  I didn’t say anything because lately I always seem to say it but then I don’t follow through.  So far, I’ve managed to get my last four planned runs in and that’s the best I’ve done in a time longer than I care to admit.  Today, I’d planned on running my route at the base golf course like all of the other times but at lunch I surfed the internet and found a local running group.  Even more exciting was that they meet regularly and had a meet up tonight. 

I left home at 615 PM to go find the park that everyone was meeting at.  Wouldn’t you know that my GPS got me all twisted?  The third and second to last instruction actually said Turn right, Turn left.  With no street names or anything!!! Needless to say that after a lot of frustration and arguments with my piece of crap phone, I made it to the park 15 minutes after the 7:00 run started.  Instead of standing around awkwardly  I picked a path and decided to just go 20 minutes and see if I find anybody afterwards. 


The paths were really nice! I even saw a roadrunner on the path but by the time my POC phone timed in it was gone.  That was the closest I’d ever been to one though.  I did end up finding some folks that didn’t belong to the group but had seen a big group of people at the top of a big hill at the end of one of the trails. I headed that direction and it was so steep in spots I had to hike it.  Four runs have not conditioned me to be able to run steep hills like I used to.


When I got to the top, everyone was gone, but I was left alone with some pretty outstanding views.  Plus, according to my Garmin, I got in about 3.48 miles of activity. 


I guess better luck making the next meet up on time


Ah well, I’ll be sure to research my route beforehand.

Have a good night!

2 thoughts on “Operation: Runners Group

  1. It was a valiant attempt! I’m impressed that you decided to run anyway and try to find them. I would have used that as an excuse to high-tail it home. At least now you know where to go.*

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